Pasture Raised Berkshire Pork and Chicken
Pasture Raised Berkshire Pork and Chicken
Here at Cedar Creek Acres we raise Heritage Berkshire and Large Black pigs.
Happy pigs makes for great tasting meat.
We hand raise our pigs out on pasture 365 days a year.
It is our top priority to raise high quality and nutritious food. We use rotational grazing so
our pigs forage on fresh pasture continuously , with all the fresh air and natural sunlight they like. Not only does this enable them to 100 % mimic their natural behavior's but by doing so also nourishes our environment.
Our pigs eat a premium specially designed Heritage Hog Feed, along with foraging in the pastures. They are also supplemented with seasonal fruits and vegetables from our pesticide free gardens such as apples, lettuce, squash etc.
Pastured pork is good for your health. This is because the meat you buy from us, is not tainted by all the additives, hormones and antibiotics that are used in conventional pork. Pastured pork is also dense with protein and therefore a little pork can go along way to giving you the daily required protein you need to stay healthy.
The best pastured pork will be the pork from local producers. This is because the pork won’t have to have traveled very far to get to your plate. This means that you not only fuel your body with delicious and healthy protein, you also fuel the local economy when you shop locally. When we help good people doing good things for our health, we help make our part of the world a better place. Let us also not forget that the less energy we use to get the pork to our tables, the better it is for the environment too.
If you want a better bacon, then it may be time to look for bacon made from a local farm that raises pastured pork. If you enjoy some good, juicy pork cuts occasionally, then you should consider switching to buying pastured pork. You can do something for your health, the health of the earth, and the health of local businesses just by switching to local pastured pork products, and the reward for you is better tasting and healthier bacon and chops.
Better attention is paid to their diet and environment and they are raised to have happy lives. Happy, well-raised pigs mean less stress and that means more tender meat less chance of disease. This all adds up to better tasting meat. You can get some of the best bacon by simply curing the meat with natural salts and spices and smoke. No need for artificial flavors or additive as pastured pork will have a good enough flavor by itself.
Bacon contains about 50% monounsaturated fats, with a large part of those being oleic acid — which is the SAME fatty acid olive oil is praised for.
While we are on the topic of bacon health, it’s also fun to note that a typical 3.5-ounce portion of bacon contains:
37 grams of high-quality animal protein
Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and B12
89% of the recommended daily amount for selenium
53% of the recommended daily amount for phosphorus
Amounts of the minerals iron, magnesium, zinc, and potassium
1. High Quality Fats: pastured pork has a significantly better ratio of Omega-3 to Omega-6 fatty-acids comparted to factory farm raised. Green grass and leaves are major sources of Omega-3 fats, which is what the animals at Cedar Creek Acres Farm thrive on. A large portion comes right from their diet, which on the pastures means anything they can get their snouts into: roots, grass, leaves, grubs, fruit, and insects. Compare that with the typical diet for factory-farmed pigs, which is largely based on corn and soybean meal.
2. Vitamin Difference: The high quality lard from pastured pigs also contains high amounts of vitamin D (which many Americans are deficient in) & vitamin A, while conventional pigs contain minimal amounts.
3. Antioxidants: Pasture raised pigs have 74% more selenium than pigs raised on factory farms. Selenium needs Vitamin E to work as antioxidant, which makes pork such an amazing food since it has both. Antioxidants like selenium help fight damaging particles in the body known as free radicals. Selenium plays a role in thyroid function, specifically related to the immune system as well.
We are members of the
This breed is considered a heritage breed and were developed in the late 19th century. They excel in producing high quality tender meat. We do several flocks throughout the summer and try to have some to last for you over the winter.
Our chickens spend the first part of their journey in a coop with heat (where we can make adjustments - if needed -to ensure a good healthy start) until their adult feathers come in - generally 2 weeks. Then they get moved out to pasture ( in a "tractor" - a large movable pen that protects them from predation and is moved on a continuous basis to ensure fresh greens daily) to forage on bugs, worms and supplemented with high quality non gmo grain.
Developed during the "Great Depression" these birds have very large breasts and boast the most meat of any turkey breeds. If your looking for turkey for Thanksgiving we start taking pre orders in late July and August. Tend to sell out fairly quickly. We raise our turkeys in a heated brooder for the first few weeks and then they go out on pasture foraging until Thanksgiving. Our turkeys avg in weight 25 pounds. You pick up fresh not frozen from our farm the Friday right before Thanksgiving.
Welcome to Cedar Creek Acres website.
Special on right now.
Our pasture raised pork spare ribs are on sale now 1 pack (rack) ONLY $5.00 while supplies last.
Farm Store Hours are Friday & Saturday 12 to 5 PM
you can always call or text for an appointment in off open hours.
Contact for more details.
See you soon.
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